
Tuning into you

Nowadays, we eagerly jump into the communication stream, tuning in to the world instead of tuning in to ourselves. We rarely—if ever—think about the cost of doing this. Diving into the devices can engage individuals to find their inner selves. In contrast, doing nothing during these moments of downtime feels less intentional.
Arguing that taking time to experience the other side of connectivity, intentional activity to disengage from the stream and truly be present in the now—is crucial to the well-being and performance of creative minds.
Tuning in to the moment,activates recognition the world around you and the true potential of your own mind. Many of us find very little time to casually explore, follow our whims, or think big, but this capacity is a major competitive advantage in the era of constant connectivity.
Chance encounters can also provide enormous benefits for your projects and your life. Adjusting in to our devices during every moment of transition, we are letting the incredible potential of serendipity pass us by. The greatest value of any experience is often found in its layers. Valuing the power of serendipity, you start noticing it at work immediately. In order to develop serendipity one must first posses rational discipline.
Today’s challenge is to keep your focus and preserve the sanctity of mind required to create, and to ultimately make an impact in what matters most to you. Be aware of the cost of constant connection. Recognize when you're tuning in to the stream for the wrong reasons. Create windows of non-stimulation in your day. Listen to your gut as much as you listen to others. Staying open to the possibilities of serendipity can steer your own potential.

Originally from: Scott Belsky  Summarized by Joerian Lazaroms

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