Test plan
We want to test several different ideas on meeting up with friends. We want to see what system works the best. To gather the best ideas we use the parallel prototyping method (method 58 from the book) and we want to know how the end users react on them. We will have them perform a task and do an interview afterwards.
To answer these questions we let them use our three prototypes. We have Meet Up (a card based app), Catch Up (a tinder like app) and Lazy Friend (a more traditional app with a twist). Before the prototypes are handed out we explain the idea of the test and the reason why we want them to participate. After this explanation we let them perform the tasks needed. In the end we ask them our questions.
After the initial test we use all the gathered data to combine all the good ideas into the next prototype. This prototype is tested again with real end users.
Welcome the participants
Explain the reason why we are doing this test
Explain the rules and ask them to be as vocal about their thoughts and feelings as possible.
Split the group evenly across the prototypes
Explain the tasks from the prototype
Help performing them and ask questions at the crucial points
Switch the participants and the prototypes and repeat.
Ask the following to the group:
- What idea/prototype was the best? Why?
- What detail in the prototype did you like? Why?
- Will you use it for catch up meetings? Why?
- How will your ideal app look like? (app to organise spontaneous meetings)
Most of the questions are about getting feedback on the prototypes as presented. For that you could also ask for pain points or things to improve on. (So you also get the negative aspects) And you could maybe also ask more questions along the line of the last question, to help you with the direction in which the user would like to see the app develop.