
Research Plan Datumprikker PRO

Research method

Test goal A service that provides a spontaneous catch-up meeting in a convenient and friendly way.


Would users use this concept to schedule an spontaneously catch-up meeting with friends with a convenient and friendly experience?

Is the service enabling scheduling spontaneous?
Is the service enabling friends to give a fast and easy response?
Is the service experienced friendly?
Is the service experienced as convenient?

What are the pros and cons for
  • selecting friend
  • selection location
  • selecting date and time
  • responding to invitations
  • checking availability

Interview method and process

To get the best prototype the Rapid Iterative Testing and Iteration (RITE) method. This is method 68 from the book Universal Methods of Design. After every interview with a participant the responses and comment are used to create a new iteration of the prototype. The responses and answers are recorded with software like Quicktime to record the screen and audio.
Each test initiator will test a concept. This concept is modified with all the gathered input from the pilot test and the other tests before him.

Sharing results

The results are shared with 3 reports made after the testing is complete. Afterward one this information will be synthesised in a new report which will contain the final summarization.


The users will be selected from the age group of 20 to 65 years. The participants can be all sorts of people, ranging from students to company owners.


The first test will be conducted before 08/01/2015. The other tests will be conducted during the same week. The location of the test will be set by the initiator because the location is not a big factor.


To build the prototype the service from Proto.io is used. This prototype will be a combination of the 3 prototypes which were already made and tested. The new prototype combines the pros of the previous applications and reduces the cons.


Required material
Bring prototype.
Bring tools to change the prototype after evaluating their responses.
Print forms for each test subject.
Bring drinks and or foods to comfort and make the situation more natural.
Record with sound recorder.

Set up the prototype device and check tools.
Set up drinks and snacks.

Detailed action plan per person

Welcome to this research, our names are ...

First of all we would like to thank you for participating this research, because your input helps a lot.
We are doing this test to get insights in different concepts we created. This helps us to find pros and cons about this concept so we can build a service that fits the user.
The goal of this app is that this helps you to easily catch up with friends.
The rules
  • You can never do something wrong
    We test if the prototype will fit to you, not backwards
  • You are always free to ask everything but be aware we are not allowed to answer all the questions
  • Please think out loud during the assignment
    so we can understand your steps in a deeper level
  • Use your imagination, this is a paper prototype to test the concept and not everything would work like a final product.
Is everything clear?
Explain the
The situation is that you are bored and want to meet up with friends. So you try to contact them in a new way with this app.

Second situation
You don't have time right now but you want to catch up later and you try this new app for that.

Okay last situation is that you got an invitation from a friend to have a meeting.
Hands on with the app
Let them do the assignments and take notes of specific remarks
10 min
Ask questions
See Questions
20 min
The end
Thank you for your participation. I hope you enjoyed this research and I you have some input you couldn't give earlier about the prototypes or the research itself this is the last moment for that.

Notes what the user thinks (out loud)

Questions after test

  1. Lets look at the part where you selected your friends.
    What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
    What are some good parts? ____________________________
    What could be better? ____________________________
    Did something confuse you? No Bit Yes ____________________________
    What parts you did not like? ____________________________
    Was the application fun to use? No Bit Yes ____________________________
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Lets look at the part where you selected your location.
    What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
    What are some good parts? ____________________________
    What could be better? ____________________________
    Did something confuse you? No Bit Yes ____________________________
    What parts you did not like? ____________________________
    Was the application fun to use? No Bit Yes ____________________________
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
  2. What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
    What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
    What are some good parts? ____________________________
    What could be better? ____________________________
    Did something confuse you? No Bit Yes ____________________________
    What parts you did not like? ____________________________
    Was the application fun to use? No Bit Yes ____________________________
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Lets look at the part where you selected your date and time.
What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
What are some good parts? ____________________________
What could be better? ____________________________
Did something confuse you? No Bit Yes ____________________________
What parts you did not like? ____________________________
Was the application fun to use? No Bit Yes ____________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Lets look at the part where you selected your responding invitations.
What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
What are some good parts? ____________________________
What could be better? ____________________________
Did something confuse you? No Bit Yes ____________________________
What parts you did not like? ____________________________
Was the application fun to use? No Bit Yes ____________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Lets look at the part where you selected your checking availability .
What did you think of the method of selection? ____________________________
What are some good parts? ____________________________
What could be better? ____________________________
Did something confuse you? No Bit Yes ____________________________
What parts you did not like? ____________________________
Was the application fun to use? No Bit Yes ____________________________
____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Would YOU use the app in the real world ? No, What else?
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

  1. Would YOU use for spontaneously meetings?
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
  2. Would YOU answer quick with this method?
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________
    1. Quicker than what?

  1. Do you want to add something to the app or in general?
    ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

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