
Experience Flow

The experience flow is available here on Google Drive.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's very detailed! It is quite focused on the actual experience of the app and it's usability. To use it as input for the full service design I would also maybe like to see more info related to the experience of thinking about the appointment and to make it. E.g "What times and date should I propose? No need to make a proposal where I know he can't make it. I think he trains twice a week for football. Maybe just keep it at weekends anyway. Should I propose a place or shall we decide on that later? Pfew, I just want to meet up, I don't want to be thinking about all those details" And further on e.g. for the receiver. " Oh I need to answer that. But I don't know yet when the party for my brother will. I need to find that out first. I'll call him tonight to find out"
